Q: How did you prepare for the play?
A: The play rehearsed for about a month and a half. I personally prepared each show to perform by drinking a vanilla monster followed by a sprite cranberry.
Q: How did you memorize lines?
A: I memorized my lines by reading them over and over until my head hurt.
Q: What is your favorite part about the drama department?
A: My favorite part about the drama department is the freedom. In other sports you can only vary so much, but I could deliver something 40 different ways and they could all be amazing.
Q: What are your favorite things about Mrs. Jones?
A: I love how supportive Mrs. Jones is. She is a great coach and she helps me accomplish my goals without holding my hand, like a good coach should. She has made me a much better performer over the last 4 years.
Q: Can you describe your character? Is he misunderstood in the play?
A: My character is Black Stache. He isn’t so much misunderstood as he is misplaced. While he is a pirate, it’s very quickly clear he isn’t a hardened, stupid seamen like the rest of his crew.
Q: What is your favorite thing about being in the play?
A: My favorite part of being in the play was seeing my classmates come/come back and watch the show. The praise was very rewarding.