Monday night was the opening evening of homecoming activities, and was full of action.
The junior class won Jungle Volleyball. For those of you who don’t know what Jungle Volleyball is, it involves the males from each class playing against the other classes in extremely short shorts. The juniors had a 3-0 record and beat the seniors 28-26 in an intense championship game.
“It was a lot of fun. The game between us and the seniors was super intense. We really played well as a team, played by the rules, and looked amazing doing it. We’ve won two years now, and we’re looking forward to winning for a third time next year,” said junior Grant Judkins.
The next activity was the highly anticipated Powder Puff Football game. This activity includes the females of the freshman and senior classes going against the sophomore and junior class in a game of flag football. The sophomore and junior team won by a score of 28-21.
“We demolished the freshmen and seniors. Sophia Steenhoek had two touchdowns and Kloé Lambert had a nice interception. It was a blast being on the team and I’m glad we got the ‘W’,” said sophomore Ciara Buchheit.
• Jackson Scholten ([email protected])