December 17, 2020
These are just some of the mandatory guidelines issued by the California Department of Public Health and Governor Gavin Newsom regarding family gatherings:
- No more than 3 households (including the host’s) may gather.
- The host must collect the names and addresses of all attendees.
- It is strongly encouraged that gatherings be held outside; however, according to an update on November 13, people may also gather inside as long as fresh air circulation is increased by opening windows and doors.
- Attendees may use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
- Those at a gathering “may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6 feet away from everyone outside their own household, and put their face covering back on as soon as they are done with the activity.”
- People are allowed to gather in an open park (3 households only), but no concurrent gatherings such as with people they know in the same park.
- All seating must be socially distanced.
- All food must be served in disposable dishes.
- People can only gather for 2 hours maximum.
- “Singing, chanting, and shouting are strongly discouraged” because “singing, chanting, shouting, and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission.” Those who do participate in these activities should “do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice),” and wear a face covering while engaged in the activity.
- Musicians are allowed at gatherings, but they must be from one of the three households.
- The playing of any wind instruments is “strongly discouraged.”