Esports Steps Up – Super Smash Bros.

The world of sports is rapidly changing with the rise of ESports teams like the ones here in Pella. We have two E-Sports opportunities, our League of Legends and Super Smash Bros teams. Today, our focus is on the Super Smash Bros team. Thankfully the director of the E-Sports program, Cody Mock, was able to answer some questions about the team which includes Jack Weaver, Alex Demuth, Carey VanWyk, Elijah Hietbrink, and Mars Chapel.

According to Mock, the goal of competitive Smash Bros is to knock your opponent off the stage, making them take on more damage until you eventually kill them. There are three lives (or stocks) per game. Each competition is three games in a set and three sets in a match. With each game, a different player switches in.

Play Versus (a company that supports high school ESports teams) has sent the Pella Super Smash Bros team two free Nintendo switches to practice on. And the practice is beginning to pay off, as they are ranked #41 out of 79 teams in the Central Region. This is relatively impressive for a team that only started last semester. The fall season began on September 13 and ended on December 8.  Their next season starts February 2, and the team is looking forward to moving up in the rankings and possibly making an appearance at the championships, which are April 28-30.

“Well, of course, it would be really cool if we won the championship.  I think that would really help to get the word out about what we’re up to here,” said Mock. “It would be good for the students to experience going through a whole season and winning the championship. I think that’s always on our minds.”