The Pandemic isn’t Over
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It is no surprise to anyone that there is still a global pandemic going on right now. Though the state is starting to open back up, the pandemic isn’t over. It is still important that you continue to be safe and take proper precautions during the coronavirus.
Recent statistics from the CDC show that though case numbers are going down, it still isn’t below the numbers from before the second wave. On September 2, 2020, there were 39,711 new identified cases in the US. This is still about 10,000 more cases from 4 months ago in May but it is a 13,000 case decrease from 2 months ago in July. As of September 2, there were 8,154 new cases from the last seven days in Iowa. In the United States, there were 295, 039 new cases from the last seven days. It’s important to know that just because trends are going down, it doesn’t mean the pandemic is over. Everyone still needs to take proper precautions to slow the spread of the virus.
Proper precautions to take during a global pandemic:
- Wear a mask!
a. Wear a mask with 2 or more layers over your nose and mouth.
b. Avoid wearing masks with exhalation valves or masks that are for healthcare workers.
c. If you wear a cloth mask, wash your mask after every use.
2. Social Distance
a. Stay at least 6 feet away from other people when possible.
b. Avoid large gatherings of people, especially indoors.
c. Stay at home whenever possible.
3. Wash your hands
a. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.
b. Wash for at least 20 seconds.
c. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water isn’t an option.
All in all, the pandemic isn’t over. Be careful out there and take proper precautions to stay safe and healthy. Do your part to slow the spread because the sooner the pandemic’s over the sooner everything can go back to normal.