As of starting this column, we had jungle volleyball for Homecoming.
Everyone was super excited for the games, and all the guys were ready to spike on each other and show their dominance on the court. Volleyball is a great way to decipher who is more athletic. It takes a good vertical, coordination, and strength. So guys at lunch love seeing who can spike on eachother. Not only is it a great show of athleticism, but it’s also a very fun sport that doesn’t take much physical contact.
Men’s Volleyball is gaining tons of popularity throughout America. From crazy and funny plays found on TikTok to sad stories of volleyball players like the movie “The Miracle Season,” it’s coming up in the ranks. Men’s volleyball is the only sport within 15 years to be added to the Olympics. That’s kind of a big deal. There are 26 NCAA teams in America compared to the 7 teams they had last year. So it’s definitely gaining some popularity.
Unfortunately, with the pros of the sport, also comes its cons. One of these cons that affects us the most is that it is expensive to have a boys’ volleyball team. Lower level teams usually cost around $1800, and with larger, better teams, it can cost up to $3500. This doesn’t include the time we need to practice and the price for uniforms and equipment. Money is one of the biggest problems to getting a boys’ volleyball team considering all the other activities that Pella has to pay for. While a boys’ volleyball team would be amazing for our school, it takes a big dip into our funds. With that being said, it’s something to take into consideration.